Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
From design to delivery.
Access the world's best network of PCB and technical parts manufacturers with the most optimized costs, expert engineering advice, short lead times, and sustainable processes.
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions

Why ICprus?

Since 1999, we are strategic partners of demanding customers who face major challenges to design, manufacture and deliver their products, with the aim of bringing new technology solutions to transportation, entertainment, saving lives, connecting people, and more
We deploy our network and our expertise to manage your projects with transparency and expertise, in the simplest way.
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
Advanced Manufacturing
80 carefully selected manufacturing partners in Asia
Quality First
Strict controls operated on production sites and inside our own laboratories
Global Proximity
3 business units with staff that speak your language, wherever you are
Customer Service
Representatives linked to our factories and experts to support our clients
Logistics Solutions
Technical Expertise
Flexible shipment, storage, and local transport options worldwide
High-skilled engineers specialized in all PCB and Technical Parts technologies
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
products & services
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
ICPRUS worldwide presence
Countries delivered
Business units
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
ICPRUS expertise and experience is found in the following industries:
Aratek biometric solutions
streamlines identity
management for millions
ICPRUS Power of Precision is found in the following industries:
Top Automotive brands choose ICPRUS to match and exceed the high quality and logistics demands of their industry.
An ever-increasing amount of companies in the medical industry rely on the Precision from ICPRUS.
The Industrial Automation sector benefits from ICPRUS’s intimate understanding of the complexity of automation and robotics.
Power / Energy
Consumer &
The Industrial Automation sector benefits from ICPRUS’s intimate understanding of the complexity of automation and robotics.
ICPRUS is growing in the aerospace industry because of the benefits offered by our expert services and one-stop solutions.
Our electrifying world thrives from ICPRUS’s engineering expertise to safely allow for the high voltages and currents to carry our energy.
Our desire to stay connected, always and everywhere, is the backbone of ICPRUS’s engineering know-how and one-stop solutions.
With ultra-modern laboratories and equipment, ICPRUS guarantees long product life and high quality.
ICPRUS’s engineers and supply chain specialists provide the solutions to help even the densest railway networks to stay on track.
Connect smart networks with intelligent solutions by ICPRUS.
From the moment lighting started becoming electronic, ICPRUS’s engineers have been at the forefront of the latest developments, supporting design for mass production.
If you have a question or want to get in contact with your nearest sales representative, fill out the form below.
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